Tuesday, May 31, 2011

President Goodluck Jonathan Sworn In as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

My Dear Compatriots, I stand in humble gratitude to you, this day, having just sworn to the oath of office as President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of our great nation.

I thank you all, fellow citizens, for the trust and confidence, which you have demonstrated through the power of your vote. I want to assure you, that I will do my utmost at all times, to continue to deserve your trust.

I would like to specially acknowledge the presence in our midst today, of Brother Heads of State and Government, who have come to share this joyous moment with us. Your Excellencies, I thank you for your solidarity. I also wish to express my gratitude, to the Representatives of Heads of State and Government who are here with us. My appreciation also goes to the chairperson of the African Union and other world leaders, our development partners, and all our distinguished guests.

I want to specially thank all Nigerians for staying the course in our collective commitment to build a democratic nation. To members of the PDP family and members of other political parties, who have demonstrated faith in our democratic enterprise, I salute you.

At this juncture, let me acknowledge and salute my friend and brother, Vice-President Namadi Sambo; and my dear wife, Patience, who has been a strong pillar of support.

I thank her for galvanizing and mobilizing Nigerian women for the cause of democracy. In the same vein, I owe a debt of gratitude to my mother and late father. I cannot thank them enough.

I cannot but paytribute to our late President, Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, with whom we won the Presidential election four years ago, when I contested as his running mate. May God bless his soul.

I also wish to pay tribute to our founding fathers, whose enduring sacrifices and abiding faith in the unity and greatness of our country, laid the foundation for the nation. We take enormous pride in their contributions. The pivotal task of this generation is to lift our fatherland to the summit of greatness.

Your Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, earlier this year, over seventy-three million eligible Nigerians endured all manner of inconvenience just to secure their voters cards,in order to exercise the right to choose those that will govern them.

At the polls, we saw the most dramatic expressions of the hunger for democracy. Stories of courage and patriotism were repeated in many ways, including how fellow citizens helped physically challenged voters into polling stations to enable them exercise their franchise. The inspiring story of the one hundred and three year-old man, and many like him across the country, who struggled against the physical limitations of age to cast their vote, is noteworthy.

Such determination derives from the typical Nigerian spirit of resilience in the face of the greatest of odds. That spirit has, over the years, stirred our hopes, doused our fears, and encouraged us to gather ourselves to build a strong nation even when others doubted our capacity.

Today, our unity is firm, and our purpose is strong. Our determination unshakable. Together, we will unite our nation and improve the living standards of all our peoples whether in the North or in the South; in the East or in the West. Our decade of development has begun. The march is on. The day of transformation begins today.We will not allow anyone exploit differences in creed or tongue, to set us one against another. Let me at this point congratulate the elected Governors, Senators, members of the House of Representatives and those of the States Houses of Assembly for their victories at the polls.

I am mindful that I represent the shared aspiration of all our people to forge a united Nigeria: a land of justice, opportunity and plenty. Confident that a people that are truly committed to a noble ideal, cannot be denied the realization of their vision, I assure you that this dream of Nigeria, that is so deeply felt by millions, will indeed come to reality.

A decade ago, it would have been a mere daydream to think that a citizen from a minority ethnic group could galvanize national support, on an unprecedented scale, to discard ancient prejudices, and win the people’s mandate as President of our beloved country. That result emanated from the toil and sacrifice of innumerable individuals and institutions, many of whom may never get to receive public appreciation for their effort.

Only a couple of days ago, I received an entry on my Facebook page. It was sent by Mr. Babajide Orevba. He wrote to inform me that I had lost
a great fan. That fan was his father, Mr. Emmanuel Bamidele Orevba. The deceased, the son told me, was no politician, but had campaigned enthusiastically for my ticket. Tragically, overwhelmed by the joy of our victory, he collapsed, and passed on three days later. I pray God Almighty to grant his soul eternal rest.

The success of the 2011 elections and the widespread acclaim which the exercise received was due to the uncommon patriotism and diligence exhibited by many Nigerians, including members of the Armed Forces, National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) and others. Unfortunately, despite the free, fair and transparent manner the elections were conducted, a senseless wave of violence in some parts of the country led to the death of ten members of the NYSC and others. These brave men and women paid the supreme sacrifice in the service of our fatherland. They are heroes of our democracy. We offer our heartfelt prayers and condolences in respect of all those who lost their lives.

In the days ahead, those of us that you have elected to serve must show that we are men and women with the patriotism and passion, to match the hopes and aspirations of you, the great people of this country. We must demonstrate the leadership, statesmanship, vision, capacity, and sacrifice, to transform our nation. We must strengthen common grounds, develop new areas of understanding and collaboration, and seek fresh ideas that will enrich our national consensus.

It is the supreme task of this generation to give hope to the hopeless, strength to the weak and protection to the defenceless.

Fellow citizens, the leadership we have pledged is decidedly transformative. The transformation will be achieved in all the critical sectors, by harnessing the creative energies of our people.

We must grow the economy, create jobs, and generate enduring happiness for our people. I have great confidence in the ability of Nigerians to transform this country. The urgent task of my administration is to provide a suitable environment, for productive activities to flourish. I therefore call on the good people of Nigeria, to enlist as agents of this great transformation.

My dear countrymen and women, being a Nigerian is a blessing. It is also a great responsibility. We must make a vow that, together, we will make the Nigerian Enterprise thrive.

The leadership and the followership must strive to convert our vast human and natural resources into the force that leads to a greater Nigeria. The Nigeria of our dreams must be built on hard work and not on short cuts. Let me salute the Nigerian workers who build our communities, cities and country. They deserve fair rewards, and so do the women that raise our children, and the rural dwellers that grow our food.

The moment is right. The signs are heart-warming. We are ready to take off on the path of sustained growth and economic development. In our economic strategy, there will be appropriate policy support to the real sector of the economy, so that Small and Medium Enterprises may thrive. Nigeria is blessed with enormous natural wealth, and my Administration will continue to encourage locally owned enterprises to take advantage of our resources in growing the domestic economy. A robust private sector is vital to providing jobs for our rapidly expanding population. But this must be a collaborative effort.

We must form technical and financial partnerships with global businesses and organizations. We live in an age where no country can survive on its own; countries depend on each other for economic well-being. Nigeria is no different. Returns on investment in Nigeria remain among the highest in the world. We will continue to welcome sustainable investment in our economy.

We will push programs and policies that will benefit both local and foreign businesses, but we must emphasize mutual benefits and win-win relationships. The overall ongoing reforms in the banking and financial sectors are therefore designed to support the real sector of the economy.

To drive our overall economic vision, the power sector reform is at the heart of our industrialization strategy. I call on all stakeholders, to cooperate with my administration, to ensure the success of the reforms.

Over the next four years, attention will be focused on rebuilding our infrastructure. We will create greater access to quality education and improved health care delivery. We will pay special attention to the agricultural sector, to enable it play its role of ensuring food security and massive job creation for our people.

The creation of the Nigerian Sovereign Investment Authority will immensely contribute to strengthening our fiscal framework, by institutionalizing savings of our commodity-related revenues. With this mechanism in place, we will avoid the boom and bust cycles,and mitigate our exposure to oil price volatility.

The lesson we have learnt is that the resolution of the Niger Delta issue is crucial for the health of the nation’s economy. In the interest of justice, equity and national unity, we shall actively promote the development of the region. I believe that peace is a necessary condition for development.

Fellow citizens, in every decision, I shall always place the common good before all else. The bane of corruption shall be met by the overwhelming force of our collective determination, to rid our nation of this scourge. The fight against corruption is a war in which we must all enlist, so that the limited resources of this nation will be used for the growth of our commonwealth.

I am confident that we have every reason to lookto the future with hope. We owe ourselves and posterity the duty of making this country respectable in the comity of nations. Nigeria, as a responsible member of the international community, will remain committed to the maintenance of global peace and security. We will continue to play an active role in the United Nations. Our role in the African Union, ECOWAS, and the Gulf of Guinea will be enhanced to ensure greater human and energy security.

Your Excellencies, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a new dawn for Africa. We fought for decolonization.We will now fight for democratization. Nigeria, in partnership with the African Union, will lead the process for democracy and development in Africa. In particular, we will support the consolidation of democracy, good governance and human rights in the continent. Africa must develop its vast resources to tackle poverty and under-development.

Conscious of the negative effect of insecurity on growth and development, my Administration will seek collaboration at bilateral and multilateral levels, to improve our capability in combating trans-border crimes. In this regard, we will intensify our advocacy against the illicit trades in small arms and light weapons, which have become the catalyst for conflicts on the African continent. All Nigerian diplomatic missions abroad are to accord this vision of defending the dignity of humanity the highest priority.

My fellow countrymen and women, Nigeria is not just a land of promise; it shall be a nation where positive change will continue to take place, for the good of our people. The time for lamentation is over. This is the era of transformation. This is the time for action. But Nigeria can only be transformed if we all play our parts with commitment and sincerity. Cynicism and skepticism will not help our journey to greatness. Let us all believe in a new Nigeria. Let us work together to build a great country that we will all be proud of. This is our hour.

Fellow Compatriots, lift your gaze towards the horizon. Look ahead and you will see a great future that we can secure with unity, hard work and collective sacrifice.

Join me now as we begin the journey of transforming Nigeria. I will continue to fight, for your future, because I am one of you. I will continue to fight, for improved medical care for all our citizens. I will continue to fight for all citizens to have access to first class education. I will continue to fight for electricity to be available to all our citizens. I will continue to fight for an efficient and affordable public transport system for all our people.
I will continue to fight for jobs to be created through productive partnerships.

You have trusted me with your mandate, and I will never, never let you down.

I know your pain, because I have been there. Look beyond the hardship you have endured. See a new beginning;a new direction;a new spirit.

Nigerians, I want you to start to dream again. What you see in your dreams, we can achieve together. I call upon all the Presidential candidates who contested with me to join hands with us as we begin the transformation of our country.

Let us work together; let us build together; let us bequeath a greater Nigeria to the generations to come.

I thank you! God bless you all! And God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Saturday, May 28, 2011

How Ohakim Brutalized Imo Citizen Ikenna Samuelson

The despicable act of insult, abuse, let down and desecration of the office of the governor of Imo State by Chief Ikedi Godson Ohakim (The State governor) started on the 7 th of January 2010. On this day, this writer (Ikenna Samuelson Iwuoha) had distributed a document in the internet and media houses through e-mails. I entitled the document “OPERATION RESCUE IMO FROM BONDAGE”. In that document I reeled out 100 (one hundred) reasons why Imo people should reject the Ohakim evilcractic, jezebelic and fraud-infested leadership. On the 9 th of January 2010 this writer (Mr. Ikenna samuelson Iwuoha) wrote a letter to the Speaker of Imo State House of Assembly. In that letter I urged the Speaker to set up a special probe panel that would invite me to come and prove my allegations of fraud and criminalities against chief Ikedi Ohakim. I also copied over 54,000 people through the internet.

Few days later I followed my desire to expose the criminal activities of Governor Ikedi Ohakim by posting an article in the internet, media organizations and to prominent Nigerians. I entitled that articles “STOP CHASING THE WIND: LET US FOLLOW PRECEDENCE”.

On the 18 th of January 2010 I sent a reminder letter to the speaker of Imo State House of Assembly still urging him to set up a probe panel that would invite me to prove that Chief Ikedi ohakim is a monumental criminal. On the 19 th of January 2010 I posted another article in the internet entitled “WILL FRAUDSTERS AND MONEY LAUNDERERS CONTEST ELECTIONS IN IMO STATE? PART ONE”.

On that same 19 th of January 2010 by 3:34pm, the Commissioner of Police in Imo State (Mr. Aloysius Okorie) called my telephone number requesting that I should come and see him for “brief” discussion. So I agreed with the Police Commissioner that I would come and see him on Friday 22 nd of January 2010 by 9:00am. The following day being 20 th of January 2010 by 5:30pm I personally called the police boss to reconfirm my appointment with him on Friday 22 nd January 2010. I was therefore dumbfounded and flabbergasted the following morning Thursday, 21 st January 2010 by 6:31am when I heard a knock at my personal apartment (Plot 98 Ikenegbu Layout Extension Owerri). When I drew my curtain, behold I saw five heavily armed men. The men told me that the Police boss asked them to bring me along with them. I quickly objected telling them that my appointment with the Police Commissioner was on Friday 22 nd of January 2010. The armed men pulled their guns at me telling me to open my iron protector. I told them off by saying “Taaa”. I picked my phone and called the Police Commissioner by 6:34am. I asked Police Commissioner Aloysius Okorie when my appointment with him was to the hearing of those heavily armed men. The Police Commissioner said “tomorrow Friday by 9:00am”. He went further to add “I thought we had agreed on Friday 22nd January 2010”. Why this sudden call. I now told CP Aloysius Okorie that before me were five heavily armed men saying that he asked them to bring me to his office. The police Commissioner responded by saying “Em, Em, Em, Ok, Ok follow them”. I then told the police Commissioner that I would follow them but should anything happen to me that I would hold him responsible. I also told him that those armed men would remain outside while I dressed up. I also told the police boss that I would inform my people all over Nigeria of the development. The Police Commissioner then pleaded with me to hand over my phone to those men so that he would talk to them. I responded by telling him that I was not a “mugu”.

So I made calls to my people nationwide informing them of the development. After that, I instructed my wife (Chioma) to get me water for bathing which she did. I took my bath and dressed up. Of course I left my phone in my house. I knew that Ikedi Ohakim was the person looking for me based on Police Commissioner’s “Em, Em, Em, Ok, Ok, follow them”. My 5 1/2yrs (Five and half) old son Nwachinemerem was in the palour, so I told him, “Ogbuefi let me go and see that foolish man”. The little boy nodded his head. I then asked him “who is that foolish man?” my son responded “Dr Ikedi Ohakim”. The armed men were shocked. So I opened my iron protector and followed them. When we came outside my compound I saw a PRADO JEEP with registration number Imo 849 NKR, I told those men that I know the jeep to be among the Governors convoy. So I entered the car and we drove off. When we got to government house owerri by 7:04am, the driver of the jeep diverted to the multi-purpose hall where he packed. So the leader of the team that picked me up made a call to “somebody” informing him that I was with them at the multi-purpose hall premises. On three different occasions those armed men asked me about my phone of which I responded that I was with it.

By 9:00am, a call came to those armed men that Chief Ikedi Ohakim was in his Office. By 9:03am the Chief security Officer to the Governor walked to where we were packed. The driver of the jeep came down while Chief security officer entered the jeep. He turned back and asked “ My friend, who are you?” I responded “I am Ikenna Samuelson Iwuoha”. The CSO nodded his head and drove off and entered the Governor’s lodge and packed. I came down and I was marched straight to Ohakim’s Office. When I entered the governor’s Office, I saw Ikedi Ohakim. He quickly shouted “lock the door, lock the door”. The door was locked leaving me only with Ohakim and his CSO in the office. The CSO pulled his gun at me. Ikedi Ohakim on his own shouted at me to pull off my clothes completely. At that point I knew that I was in danger, so I played along. As I was removing my clothes, Ohakim stood up from the Office chair and came to me and forcefully removed my clothes. Another young man of about 33yrs wearing an ash coloured suit came into the governor’s office to assist Ikedi Ohakim to completely remove my clothes. I became completely naked before Ikedi Ohakim in the office of the Governor. The young man then left the Governor Office. The CSO was still pointing a gun at me. Then Ikedi Ohakim gave me a blow on my mouth, he gave me a head butt. He hit me with his hands and legs severally. Then Ohakim went to his office table and brought a “koboko” (horse whip). He started to flog me all over my body. After he ordered me to lie down on the rug in the office and I obeyed. Ikedi Ohakim flogged, flogged and flogged me ruthlessly, heartlessly and without mercy. He kicked me severally without mercy. He kicked me severally with his shoes. He also marched me with his shoes. The pains was much. I cried, cried and called on Almighty God to come to my rescue. Ikedi Ohakim personally brutalized me right inside his office. I must have received well over 120 strokes of koboko. My blood completely stained the rug in the governor’s office. I was in pains. I saw hell with my two eyes, Almighty God did not allow me to die. Ikedi Ohakim continued to flog me. His brother Emma Ohakim walked in and said “Chinekee, His Excellency, His Excellency”. Ikedi Ohakim said to his brother “Emma, this is Ikenna Samuelson I will kill him today”. Emma simply left the Office. The CSO also continued to point his gun at me. When the pains became unbearable, I decided to take a risk. I boldly grabbed Ikedi ohakim legs. I shouted at him as follows, “What you are doing to me in this office is wrong”. “You are abusing the office of the Governor” “you are desecrating the office of the Governor of Imo State”. “Moreover my wife is from your place Mbano, conversely you are my children’s Nnaochie”. This was the miracle that saved me from Ikedi Ohakim’s brutality. He stopped beating and flogging me. He then shifted a chair and sat down with the koboko still in his hands. I was seriously in pains. Then Ikedi Ohakim started to shout “Samuelson you have disgraced me in this country. You have finished me. I will kill you and nothing would happen. I will prove to you that I am not an ordinary Governor. I know those sponsoring you. But you must mention their names to me with your mouth”. Then flogging started again. Ohakim flogged and flogged me that I became helpless. So I begged him to leave me alone. But Ohakim said he would leave me alone on his conditions. He brought out a copy of NATIONAL DAILY Newspaper of 1 – 7 December 2009 edition with the caption “HOW OHAKIM LOOTS IMO STATE. Then Ikedi Ohakim said to me “Samuelson, look at how you disgraced the Governor of Imo State”. “Your own Governor”. “You have finished me in this country”. “I no longer have respect in this State.” “What have I done to you?” “They sent you to come and monitor all my activities”. “Why must you team up with my enemies against me”.

Then Ohakim brought out another document entitled “HOW OHAKIM LOOTS IMO STATE PART TWO”. HE SHOWED IT TO ME AND SAID, “SAMUELSON, WHO WROTE THIS PETITION AGAINST ME TO THE Office of the Inspector General of Police”? He then ordered me to read the contents of that petition to the Office of Inspector general of Police. I refused so he started to flog me again. I pleaded with him to leave me alone. Then Ohakim said “Samuelson you must cooperate with me”. “I want to call a press conference where you will come and denounce those allegations against me. Once you do that, I will give you anything you want. Ohakim continued “last Christmas I gave scholarship to 60 people in my home town OKOHIA, so I can give you anything. “Just do me a favour”. Then the CSO still pointing a gun at me said “just cooperate with his Excellency”. Ikedi Ohakim continued his sermon by saying “Samuelson, where is your laptop, your numerous e-mail addresses, their passwords, flash drive and documents. I did not respond but continued to look at the man who says he is the Governor of Imo State. We stared at each other for about 15 seconds. Then the next thing I saw was tears flowing from Ikedi Ohakim’s eyes. At this point I was moved but I stood my ground because I know Ohakim and his antics too well.

The CSO then told the Governor that Commissioner of Police and another person was coming. Ikedi Ohakim then told me to put on my boxers only. I was in pains but I managed to put on my boxers and sat on the rug. The Commissioner of Police Aloysius okorie walked into the Governors Office with a woman I later discovered to be the State Director of SSS.

Immediately they walked in, Ohakim stood up and said “CP Aloysius Okorie, Samuelson has confessed”. I was shocked at Ohakim’s statement to Commissioner of Police. Ikedi Ohakim then started shouting and saying all sorts of things. At a point Ohakim said “it is Willie Amadi that caused their problem for me, Owu kwa willie Amadi ooo”. “He destroyed your kerosene business at Douglas road and you now turned around to focus on me.” I smiled in my mind because I never had my kerosene business at Douglas road. I had my kerosene businesses at Prefab, Aladinma, Ikenegbu Layout and inside the market. Thereafter, Ohakim said before the Commissioner of Police and the State Director of SSS “Samuelson just cooperate with me and I will restore your business. I can do anything for you”. The Commissioner of Police Aloysius Okorie then told me “Ikenna look at your Governor and cooperate with him”. The state director of SSS said to me “My son why don’t you cooperate with his Excellency”. I did not say anything. At a point I turned to the Commissioner of Police and said “Nna-anyi Ukwu Aloysius Okorie, you have put yourself into trouble. I followed those armed men because you asked me to follow them. My people will, hold you responsible if anything happens to me. Just look at my body”. Then the Police boss told Ohakim that I called him when those men came to pick me and that I made calls to people. At that point Ohakim ordered me to wear my clothes which I did painfully. The CSO led me out of the Governor Office. At the corridor I saw the chief press secretary to the Governor Mr Henry Ekpe. I also saw Mr. Chikwem Onuoha, the boy that does money laundering for Ohakim. I also saw four other people whose names I cannot readily re-collect. At this point let me say that Mr. Henry Ekpe pitied me. He saw my condition. When I was to enter the PRADO jeep (Imo 849 NKR), I staggered, Mr. Henry Ekpe said “jide nu ya aka ka ohara ida” meaning hold him properly so he does not fall. The CSO drove off to another section of Government House. At that section I sat on the veranda while the CSO pulled his gun at me and demanded for my laptop, my email addresses, passwords etc. I did not respond but just stared at him. He continued to demand for those things. Then I said to him “please leave me alone I am tired. “Tell your Governor that I would like to see him one on one”. The CSO left and drove off. The security men there came to me and said “Ndo nnu” meaning “sorry you hear”. They now brought water and poured on my head. They also used water top soothe my back. Honestly I was in severe pains. The CSO drove in and saw what they were to me and shouted “what are you people doing”. He ordered them to put me in the car. The CSO and three other people in the car drove me straight to the Commissioner of Police Office. The CSO then handed me over to the Police boss and left. The Commissioner of Police and the State Director of SSS were in the Office when CSO handed me over to the Commissioner of Police.

The Commissioner of Police asked me to sit down which I did. I said to the police boss “you have put yourself into trouble. I followed those men because you asked me to follow them. Look at my body” The Commissioner of Police with his own mouth and in the presence of the woman who is the State Director of SSS said “Ikenna when you were led out of the Governor’s Office I told His Excellency that he did wrong by personally beating you up”. I then told the police boss to be ready to repeat what he just said when the time comes, because I would fight to the end. I added “As for that foolish Ikedi Ohakim I will deal with him”. The police boss said to me “Ikenna, look at what you are saying in my Office”. “Just cooperate with His Excellency and everything will be ok. The woman who is the State Director of SSS then showed me that petition I wrote to the Inspector general of Police and said “Did you actually write this petition?. I looked at her and said “I signed it with my name, my address is there, my phone number is there, I attached my passport. Therefore I take full responsibility of that petition. Ikedi Ohakim is a criminal”. Both the Commissioner of Police and the woman just looked at me and said simultaneously Na – Wao.

Then the woman said to me “My son you are very intelligent. I want to investigate the governor myself. So hand over the documents to me so that I can do proper investigation”. I just looked at her and did not say anything. After a while the police Commissioner then sent for a senior Police officer who now took me to his office. When I told the man how Ohakim beat me up in his office. The man was shocked. He left me in his office with another police officer looking after me. He later came back and handed me over to another officer who wanted to interrogate me but I told him that I can only respond if my lawyers were around.

I was thereafter locked up at the CIB police cell containing 48 people.

The next day I was brought out to get ready for court. I wrote my statement narrating what happened from my house to the time the Governor personally beat me up. In that statement I owned up to be the writer of that petition against the Governor to the Inspector general of Police. And my readiness to prove all my allegation against the Governor. Suddenly the police said that they won’t take me to court again. That it will be Monday 25 th of January 2010. I was then locked up again. On Monday 25/1/2010 I was taken to court where a three court charge was read against me. Of course I pleaded not guilty. I was refused bail and was therefore reminded in prison custody till 2/2/2010.

When I appeared in court on 2/2/2010 six new court charges were added to the earlier three. So hey have a nine court charges against me. I was later granted bail to the sum of N500,000. The next hearing is on the 19 th of February 2010. I am 100% sure that the koboko which Ikedi used to flog me was poisoned. I say this because I am seriously in pains and receiving treatment in a private hospital. Nonetheless I make bold to say that the lion is back.

At this point and juncture let me state it very clearly that this debilitating monster called Ikedi Ohakim has done his worst. I will go to any length to take my own pound of flesh raised to the power 1000. I must prove my allegations against him. I will unearth everything about Ikedi Ohakim and his fraud infested leadership. In short I will jail him. At least he knows that I have the ability.

The battle is now full blown. Ikedi Ohakim has given me the bullet to shoot him. Ikedi Ohakim is now in my firing range.

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