
Saturday, January 9, 2010

As we have embibed these principles of succes outlined in the last episode of RESOLUTION, it is time therefore to be in a state of mind that will begin to attract all good things to our direction.Every piece of art started from the mind of one man who imagined it clearly, who had a clear mental image of the piece and subsequenlty by impressing it on the creative substance caused the creation thereof.

Thought is the center of every activity of minkind it is the propelling instrument that determines the direction we are headed, therfore constant mental exercise in the direction of our vision and mission, in the direction of the things we want and in the opposite direction of the things we dont want is a task that must be carried out by all who wish to attain heights,I know of Bill gates that he used to be in the cellars thinking while his mother will be searching for him everywhere in the building, I know of Dale Carniege to have a room he calls the thinking room in his office and while he is seated there the secretary tells every visitor that he is busy,that is where he 'sits for ideas',and all there succes in their careers can be traced to this lifestyle.
The mind has been acknowledged as the centerpoint of all achievement, and no worhtwhile venture is being achieved without putting the mind at work,it has also been proved that there is no work under earth as tedious to most individuals as the the use of mental powers,if you doubt this call ten individuals of the same class in college and give them each a task of loading a pickup van with 100 cartons of soap or study and read offhand 10 pages of essay at same given time, believe me that most of them would prefer to do the loading job.

Then having thought, we cannot have the things we thought of be delivered to us like manna like the children of isreal , it has to come to us through normal trade and commerce,it is therefore important the we exercise ACTOIN to get in touch with all we have thought and hoped for and the action must be exercised in accordance to positive mental attitude,while you stay in this state of mind you have to consider it nessesary no to think of anything in anyway that refers to failure as a possibility, so that the SOURCE will direct all towards you without contemplatoin.It is also nessesary to note that "there is a creative substance from which all things are made and a thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.And one can cause a thing to be made by impressing it on the creative substance, for if you do this your thought will fill the interspace of the earth and take form.

while thinking of this creative substance it is nessesary that you do that with a strong faith and holding a mind of gratitude that that which you have asked is been delivered to you , you shall therefore begin to live and act as a possessor of those things,so that the creative mind will direct the speedy delivery of what you desire through normal trade and commerce.
As you begin to think in a certain way I wish you all the best of achievements throughout your life.

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