How long shall Nigerians wait?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nothing seems to be heard about our dear president who is presently being represented by Goddluck Jonathan,in the acting capacity.

There are many questions that come to mind when we imagine why we are kept in the dark about the state of health of our number one citizen whose whereabouts are unaviodably meant to be of a thing public knowledge to the citizens of the state he is presiding over,but reverse is the case in the Nigerian story.

So how long are we going to be left with an acting president when all organs of Government are fully operational and knows the content of our constitution but have fully ignored it.

Is it not clear that our beloved President Umar Musa Yar'dua needs to be allowed to attend fully to his health condition in order to give it the required attention it deserves without being distracted by national controversies that may have emerged as a result of his unavoidable absense.

Let our political actors think in the right direction so that we can properly harness our potential as a great country we are.

I call on all to speak out loud in condenming this act of dictatorship pepetrated by the cabal that have held our dear country hostage.

I pray that God will deliver Nigeria from the hands of these 'hostage takers' in disguise
Long Live Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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