Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nigeria at 50, a tragic celebration

Nigeria is a great nation blessed with abundant natural and human resources, the later which is still under-tapped, I believe remains our greatest strenght, a multi-ethnic, multi-religious and highly populated society, a state which was believed to have been librated from the British colony on 1st of october 1960 turned 50 on the 1st of October 2010, some issues associated with this celebration has remained food for thought, happy birthday Nigeria.

Last weekend the Eagle square in Abuja the Federal Capital Territory was a beehive of activities and all 36 states of the Federation were not left out in the golden jubilee celebration of our great country, but amidst all these colourful celebrations it is important to answer a critical question that borders on us as a people and our leadership as a group, what have we achieved in fifty years?.

Let us consider some tragic news that recently flooded our national dailies and internation media; The ban on NFA by the world football governing body FIFA, think about the recent bomb blast in the federal capital territory Abuja on the independence day celebration venue were about 12 people were feared dead and many others injured, and the shameful arrest of exited MEND leader Henry Okah, far away in South Africa.

There is no gainsaying the fact that until we put our house in order it may be difficult if not impossible to confront, tackle and conquer the significant problems we face in this country, one of the worlds renowned inventor Albert Einsten said that "the significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level we are when we created them", on this note it has become expedient that we all Nigerians must stand up and change the level of our perception to the image of our motherland, let us believe in Nigeria, let us reflect in all our dealing the true loyalist to the dreams of this country, by this attitudinal change in every one of us and if imbibed by our leaders shall make nigeria a succes story.

I challenge the Presidency to 'invade' the NFA and use the most objective minded Nigerians to reform the NFA to save us from the hands of these self centered individuals who take their personal interest as a priority over the interest of the nation which they serve, it is also nessesary that the Federal Government will continue the amnesty programme in a way that will not defeat its purpose but rather to implement the blueprint to save the innumerable creek youths who have been in the struggle for Government attention, I also salute the effort of the president for meeting with the 'ex'-militants who were on a solidarity visit to the villa in the effort to fish out the perpetrators of this henious crime against the state.

Let us prepare to use our vote wisely in the 2011 general elections to enthrone intergrity as a national character and let us resist by all means possible in our own little ways, any act capable of bringing disrepute to this great nation, we have no other country to call our own, Nigeria is ours, lets make it better.

Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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