Wednesday, April 27, 2011

NYSC Scheme and the Genocide in Northern Nigeria

The April 16th presidential elections took place all over the country and within 48 hours as promised by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) the result were announced by the chairman of the commission, Prof Attahiru Jega, the pronouncement of the incumbent president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan as obviously our votes reflect was no surprise for citizens like me who do not undermine the strength of the winner considering peoples interest in him as he has always been rated best candidate amongst the four top contenders by opinion polls from time to time.

In as much as some see the re-election of Dr Goodlcuk Jonathan as a way forward for Nigeria some miscreants took it as still another opportunity to foment trouble and destroy lives and properties of defenceless Nigerians. From press report, thousands of lives and properties has
been destroyed in states like Kano, Kaduna, Bauchi, Borno and Kwara states.

In as much as the violence cannot be distanced from the terrorist groups known as Boko-haram it is very obvious that the violence has been incited/masterminded by political opponents of the president-elect and his party the PDP, this was evident by the fact that houses belonging to the top PDP party chieftains were destroyed by these hoodlums.

Enough is enough, I salute the courage of the president and Chief security of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for responding to this ugly trend with the required attention and have so far succeeded in aborting it through the use of joint task force who came to the rescue of the defenceless citizens being murdered per-second in these states.

This article above all things was triggered when the news came about sporadic killings of members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members who only were posted to the north to fulfil their call to national duty. A brother to a colleague serving his country in Bauchi called to inform that he was in a police station where he and other seven youth coppers ran into for protection apparently when being chased by mobs in Gyadi Local Government Area in Bauchi. When called back by a sister to find out about his current situation, someone else received the call just to say with all satisfaction that "we have killed your brother" in clean - clear English with a northern accent and this was later confirmed. How long will this continue ?.

Based on the foregoing, mothers from the south have made SOS call to the Federal Government to scrap the NYSC scheme instead of constantly having their children killed in the North in the name of the scheme while their northern counterparts who serve here in the south enjoy maximum peace and security without fear of molestation.

I challenge the National Assembly to revisit the ACT which set up the NYSC scheme with a view to bringing lasting solution to this ugly trend of constant massacre and genocide going on in the north from time to time, this ugly trend is unacceptable and in the nearest future it will begin to receive stiff resistance by we southern youths who continue to loose our brothers lives because of their engagement in the NYSC scheme.

Coming from the perspective of a learned youth who have gone through this scheme in Kogi state of Nigeria, having noted that my service year was not absolutely peaceful, it is good to note quoting from the NYSC website that there are two major purposes of setting up the scheme thus: "The purpose of the scheme is primarily to (1) inculcate in Nigerian Youths the spirit of selfless service to the community, and (2)to emphasize the spirit of oneness and brotherhood of all Nigerians, irrespective of cultural or social background.

If these are the objectives therefore, scraping the NYSC as our mothers suggest will have defeated the duo purpose of the scheme which are all vital to national development, but in my own opinion I call on NYSC to post all corps members to their geo-political zone as this will not amount to total abortion of the objectives of the scheme but will defeat only one of the two majors objectives. I can categorically state that the purpose which will be defeated in this case is not worth the lives of thousands of NYSC members who have lost their lives in ethnic and religious crisis so far.

I call on the great Nigerian students through the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), National Association of Polytechnic Students (NAPS) to oppose this ugly trend and make a resounding statement concerning the future of their products whose lives are threatened by these genocide perpetrated/incited by cruel individuals who take their personal interest above human life, who choose to kill and destroy at the slightest provocation/incitation. But let them remember the injunction that "he who kills in order to live shall have death await him as sentinel at the door of his life and he who destroy in order to succed shall have destruction await him at the door of his success". I urge you to call for all intending corpers to be posted to their geographical zone.

All over the world this constant act of violence have been condemned by Nigerians home and in Diaspora and the world at large, some are calling for placing ban on such race/ethnic composition who always engage in these killings a writer opined "Enough is enough. Joining world ...human rights groups will give it international perspective and if possible place a travel ban on these people and their families. All men are equal before God. Therefore any man who takes it upon himself to destroy another or fails to act in order to stop the mindless killing of others must be made to answer here on earth in accordance with the law and afterwards before God. So go people. I am not rich but if push comes to shove I will contribute and help to raise requisite litigation funds. I enjoin everyone to pledge support in anyway possible. Lawyers should assist with preparation of briefs on voluntary basis, citizens should volunteer as witnesses if they know anything about events leading up to the gruesome killings, others can organise fundraising and be in court to give moral support. Please let’s do whatever you can as a mark of respect for our fallen heroes".

Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Long live the Nigerian Corps Members, Corpers WEE!! WAA!! AJUWAYA!!
May the souls of all corps members killed during the post election violence the Northern Nigeria rest in perfect peace.

1 comment:

  1. It is rather absurd that in the present age of our development, there still exists barbarians who have no regard for human live. I think it is high time these senseless killings are stopped. The culprits should be brought to book. Leo US.


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